Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Anti-wrinkle treatments aim to provide a natural appearance by reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Every individual has a unique muscle-tone structure and through understanding and evaluating this structure, we can see how the upper, mid and lower face and neck work together, but also recognise these areas can age in a non-uniform way. 

This means that specific areas of the face and neck can be targeted: from forehead, frown lines, brows and eyes, to nasal wrinkles, gummy smile, naso-labial creases, chin and jaw shaping and lip lifting.

In addition, anti-wrinkle treatments can be provided to treat excessive sweating (axilla) and as a subtle bottom lift.  

Dependent upon your goal, there are a range of botulinum toxins which can achieve slightly different results, and this is discussed during your consultation. Depending on the product used, effects can be seen within the first 2-7 days and reach their full potential by day 14.

In order to achieve and maintain good results, regular treatments throughout the year are recommended. This is dependent upon your muscle tone and the area to be treated, but generally between three to five treatments per year may be required.




 Upper Face 1 Area 2 Areas 3 Areas
£170 £210 £250


Lower Face Starting at £170 dependant on areas treated
Masseters £300
Neck Dependant on area covered, book a free consultation for a quote
Axilla £350
Buttocks £350




 Upper Face 1 Area 2 Areas 3 Areas
£180 £220 £260


Lower Face Starting at £180 dependant on areas treated
Neck Dependant on area covered, book a free consultation for a quote
Axilla £370
Buttocks £370




 Upper Face 1 Area 2 Areas 3 Areas
£200 £240 £280


Lower Face Starting at £200 dependant on areas treated
Neck Dependant on area covered, book a free consultation for a quote
Axilla £400
Buttocks £400

Book online for a free consultation with L & A Aesthetics at Drop Dead Gorgeous or text/call 07919382163 for more information.

Please do not contact Drop Dead Gorgeous directly as we won't be able to answer any queries you may have as all injectable treatments are offered by L & A Aesthetics.